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Visitor Design Pattern

Structural: Visitor Pattern

What is the Visitor Design Pattern in JavaScript?

View Answer:
Interview Response: The Visitor design pattern is a behavioral pattern that allows for adding new operations to existing object structures without modifying their classes by separating them into visitor objects.

Technical Response: Visitor is a behavioral design pattern that lets you detach algorithms from the objects on which they act. The Visitor pattern adds new methods to a group of objects without affecting them, and the new logic gets housed in a distinct entity known as the Visitor.

Code Example:

Below is an example of the Visitor design pattern in JavaScript:

class ObjectStructure {
constructor() {
this.nodes = [];

add(node) {

accept(visitor) {
this.nodes.forEach(node => node.accept(visitor));

class NodeA {
accept(visitor) {

operationA() {
return 'NodeA is visited';

class NodeB {
accept(visitor) {

operationB() {
return 'NodeB is visited';

class Visitor {
visitNodeA(node) {

visitNodeB(node) {

// Usage
const objectStructure = new ObjectStructure();
objectStructure.add(new NodeA());
objectStructure.add(new NodeB());

const visitor = new Visitor();

// This will run the corresponding visitor method for each node in the object structure

In this example, we have a couple of node classes (NodeA and NodeB) each with a method accept that accepts a visitor object. The visitor has a method for each type of node that it can visit (visitNodeA and visitNodeB). These methods are then called on each of the nodes in the ObjectStructure when the accept method is called on the ObjectStructure, passing the visitor as a parameter. The result is that the corresponding method on the visitor is called for each type of node in the ObjectStructure.


This is a simple example, and the real value of the Visitor pattern comes when the object structure and/or the algorithms being separated out are more complex, but this should give you a basic idea of how it works.

To which pattern family does the Visitor pattern belong?

View Answer:
Interview Response: The Visitor pattern belongs to the behavioral pattern family in JavaScript, which focuses on communication and interaction between objects and classes.

Why use the Visitor Design Pattern?

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Interview Response: The Visitor Pattern is useful when you need to perform operations across a disparate set of objects. It promotes loose coupling and easier addition of operations.

Technical Response: The JavaScript Visitor Pattern should be used when you have a complex object structure and need to add new operations without modifying the object classes, or when you need to separate concerns.

We can use the visitor pattern when:

  • Similar procedures must get done on various data structure objects.
  • Specific operations must get carried out on multiple items in the data structure.
  • You wish to make libraries or frameworks more extensible.

What are some of the benefits of using the Visitor pattern?

View Answer:
Interview Response: Some benefits of using the Visitor pattern in JavaScript include improved separation of concerns, flexibility, and extensibility, as well as reduced coupling and better code organization.

Technical Response: Benefits of the Visitor Pattern

  • The principle of open/closed. You may add new behavior that works with objects of various classes without modifying the classes themselves.
  • Single Responsibility Principle. You can move multiple versions of the same behavior into the same class.
  • While working with various objects, a visitor object might get helpful information. This information is helpful if you wish to traverse a complicated object structure, such as an object tree, and apply the Visitor to each item in the structure.

What are some of the Visitor pattern's drawbacks?

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Interview Response: Some drawbacks of the Visitor pattern in JavaScript include increased complexity and overhead, as well as potential issues with maintaining and coordinating visitor objects as the codebase grows.

Technical Response: Drawbacks of the Visitor Pattern.

  • Every time a class is added or withdrawn from the element hierarchy, you must notify all visitors.
  • Visitors may not have access to the private fields and methods of the components they get expected to operate.

Are there any alternatives to using the Visitor pattern?

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Interview Response: There are several alternatives to the Visitor pattern including the Command Pattern, using sealed types, lambda expressions, or polymorphism.

What problems does the Visitor Pattern solve?

View Answer:
Interview Response: It helps in adding new operations without changing the classes of the elements on which they operate, thus avoiding a major change in an existing codebase.

How does the Visitor Pattern achieve separation of concerns?

View Answer:
Interview Response: It separates algorithms from structures, allowing structures to be modified independently from the algorithms applied to them.

When might the Visitor Pattern not be ideal?

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Interview Response: It's not ideal when an object structure changes often, as each change might require a new visitor interface or the existing visitors to be modified.

Can you name a real-world scenario where the Visitor Pattern would be beneficial?

View Answer:
Interview Response: It's useful in document object models (DOMs) for web pages, where various operations like rendering, text extraction, etc. can be performed on the elements.

How does the Visitor Pattern help in extending functionality?

View Answer:
Interview Response: It lets you add new operations without changing the classes of the elements, facilitating the extension of functionality.

What are the main components of the Visitor Design Pattern?

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Interview Response: The main components are the Visitor, Concrete Visitor, Element, Concrete Element, and Object Structure.

The Visitor Design Pattern in JavaScript comprises several components, mainly:

  1. Visitor: This is an interface or abstract class that declares a visit method for each type of Visitable object.

  2. ConcreteVisitor: This is a concrete class that implements the Visitor interface or extends the abstract Visitor class. It implements the visit method for each type of Visitable object.

  3. Visitable or Element: This is an interface or abstract class that declares the accept method, which takes a Visitor as an argument.

  4. ConcreteElement: This is a concrete class that implements the Visitable or Element interface or extends the abstract Element class. It implements the accept method.

  5. ObjectStructure: This is a collection of ConcreteElements. It can enumerate its elements and may provide a high-level interface to allow the visitor to visit its elements.

Code Example:

// Visitable or Element
class Employee {
constructor(name, salary) { = name;
this.salary = salary;

accept(visitor) {

// ConcreteElement
class Developer extends Employee {
constructor(name, salary) {
super(name, salary);

// ConcreteElement
class Manager extends Employee {
constructor(name, salary) {
super(name, salary);

// Visitor
class Payroll {
visit(employee) {
let monthlySalary;

if (employee instanceof Manager) {
monthlySalary = employee.salary / 12;
console.log(`${}'s monthly salary is ${monthlySalary.toFixed(2)}`);

if (employee instanceof Developer) {
monthlySalary = employee.salary / 12;
console.log(`${}'s monthly salary is ${monthlySalary.toFixed(2)}`);

// ObjectStructure
class Employees {
constructor() {
this.employees = [];

addEmployee(employee) {

accept(visitor) {
this.employees.forEach(employee => employee.accept(visitor));

// Usage
let employees = new Employees();
employees.addEmployee(new Manager('John Doe', 120000));
employees.addEmployee(new Developer('Jane Doe', 80000));

let payroll = new Payroll();

In this example, Employee is the Visitable or Element class, Developer and Manager are the ConcreteElement classes, Payroll is the Visitor or ConcreteVisitor, and Employees is the ObjectStructure. The accept method in the Employee class lets a Visitor object visit it, in this case, to calculate monthly salaries. The Payroll class implements the visit method to calculate and print the monthly salary for each type of Employee. The Employees class represents an object structure that can enumerate its elements and allow a visitor to visit them.

What is the role of the 'Visitor' in the Visitor Pattern?

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Interview Response: The Visitor is an interface declaring a visit operation for each type of Concrete Element in the object structure.

What is the role of the 'Element' in the Visitor Pattern?

View Answer:
Interview Response: The Element is an interface defining an accept operation that takes a visitor object as an argument.