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Prototype Design Pattern

Creational: Prototype Pattern

What is the Prototype Design Pattern in JavaScript?

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Interview Response: The Prototype pattern involves creating new objects by cloning existing ones, instead of using constructors. It promotes code reuse and inheritance.

Technical Response: We commonly refer to an object you can clone as a prototype. The Prototype Pattern creates new objects, but instead of producing uninitialized objects, it creates objects with values copied from a prototype - or example - object. The Prototype pattern is also known as the Properties pattern.

We can use the prototype pattern to create new objects based on its blueprint by cloning an existing object. The prototype pattern based on prototypal inheritance can use JavaScript's native prototyping capabilities.


The objects participating in this pattern are:

Client -- In example code: the run() function

  • creates a new object by asking a prototype to clone itself

Prototype -- In example code: CustomerPrototype

  • creates an interfaces to clone itself

Clones -- In example code: Customer

  • the cloned objects that are being created

Code Example:

In JavaScript, every object has a prototype from which it can inherit properties and methods. The Object.create() method is one way to implement the Prototype Design Pattern.

Here's an example:

var carPrototype = {
start: function () {
return 'Engine of ' + this.model + ' starting...';
stop: function () {
return 'Engine of ' + this.model + ' stopping...';

function Car(model, year) {
this.model = model;
this.year = year;

Car.prototype = carPrototype;

var car1 = new Car('Toyota Corolla', 2005);
console.log(car1.start()); // Engine of Toyota Corolla starting...

In this example, carPrototype is the prototype object with methods common to all cars, start() and stop(). The Car function is a constructor that creates a new car. It sets the prototype of the newly created object to carPrototype using Car.prototype = carPrototype;.

By using the prototype, any car we create has access to the start and stop methods. This allows us to have common functionality across all instances of a type (in this case, Car), while still allowing individual instances to have their own properties (in this case, model and year).

The Prototype pattern belongs to which design pattern family?

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Interview Response: The Prototype pattern belongs to the creational design pattern family, which deals with object creation mechanisms.

What is an example of a good use case for the prototype pattern?

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Interview Response: The Prototype pattern is useful when object creation is costly, and you need to duplicate existing instances, retaining their state, especially in performance-intensive situations like gaming or graphics rendering.

Technical Response: The Prototype Pattern is particularly useful when the cost of creating a new object is expensive and resource-intensive, and you want to avoid the overhead of initializing an object. This is especially relevant when the object has complex behavior that is loaded dynamically. Let's say we have a scenario where we need to manipulate a large number of 'Book' objects, which contain a large amount of data and have a complex initialization process.

Code Example:

function Book(title, author, genre, publicationDate) {
this.title = title; = author;
this.genre = genre;
this.publicationDate = publicationDate;

// Let's assume that getting these details is a complex task, maybe involving a database call or complex computations
this.getDetails = function() {
// complex code goes here...
return this.title + ' by ' + + ', ' + this.genre + ', published on ' + this.publicationDate;

var book1 = new Book('The Great Book', 'John Doe', 'Science Fiction', '2001-01-01');

If you need to create a new book that shares some properties with book1, you could create a new Book object and pass in the required details. However, if the initialization process is complex and resource-intensive, creating a new Book from scratch may not be the most efficient approach.

In such cases, you can use the Prototype Pattern to clone the existing book and just modify the properties that differ:

function clone(source) {
var Constructor = source.constructor;
var prototype = Object.create(Constructor.prototype);
var clone = new Constructor();

for (var attr in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
clone[attr] = source[attr];

return clone;

var book2 = clone(book1);
book2.title = 'Another Great Book'; = 'Jane Doe';

console.log(book2.getDetails()); // Another Great Book by Jane Doe, Science Fiction, published on 2001-01-01

In this example, the clone function creates a new object that is a copy of an existing object and allows you to modify the new object as needed. This approach reduces the cost of initializing a new object when it shares most of its properties and behavior with an existing object.

What are some of the advantages of employing the Prototype pattern?

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Interview Response: The Prototype pattern enables fast object cloning, reducing system overhead. It promotes flexibility over hardcoded classes, facilitates adding and removing objects at runtime, and simplifies complex object creation, thus improving performance and memory utilization.

Technical Response: Benefits of the Prototype Pattern.

  • We can clone an object without being bound to its concrete classes.
  • You can avoid repeating the initialization code by cloning pre-built prototypes.
  • It is easier to produce complex objects.
  • When dealing with structural presets for complex objects, we produce an alternative to inheritance.

What are some of the disadvantages of employing the Prototype pattern?

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Interview Response: Disadvantages include difficulty handling cloning for objects with circular references, risks of Prototype Pollution, and potentially confusing behavior for developers unfamiliar with prototypal inheritance.

In JavaScript, Are there any alternatives to using the prototype pattern?

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Interview Response: Yes, alternatives include the Factory pattern for creating objects, the Constructor pattern for initializing new objects, or ES6 classes that handle prototypal inheritance under the hood.

Why would you use the Prototype Pattern?

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Interview Response: The Prototype Pattern is used when creating many identical objects quickly. It's useful when instantiation is expensive and you want to avoid duplicate database calls or run-time computation.

Why is the Prototype Design Pattern important in JavaScript, unlike in other languages?

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Interview Response: JavaScript utilizes prototypal inheritance, making the Prototype Design Pattern integral. It enables object creation by cloning existing ones, leveraging JavaScript's native prototype-based architecture.