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Static Properties / Methods

Classes: Static Props / Methods

Can you explain how static properties and methods function in JavaScript?

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Interview Response: The static keyword defines a static method or property for a class. Neither static methods nor static properties get called on class instances, and instead, they get called on the class itself. Static methods are often utility functions, such as functions to create or clone objects. In contrast, static properties are helpful for caches, fixed-configuration, or any other data you do not need to get replicated across instances. To call a static method or property within another static method of the same class, you can use the “this” keyword.


Method: static methodName() { ... }

Property: static propertyName [= value]

Code Example: Static Method and Static Property

class User {
static staticProp = 'I see you...'; // static property
static staticMethod() {
// static method
console.log(this === User);

User.staticMethod(); // true, I see you...


// That does the same as assigning it as a property directly:

class User {}

// The value of this in User.staticMethod() call is the class constructor User itself
User.staticMethod = function () {
console.log(this === User);

User.staticMethod(); // true


The easiest way to remember how static methods work is to always call the method on the class name directly. Example: Rabbit.methodName - We are not required to declare a new Class Object for static methods or properties (class fields).

When inheriting a base class, are static properties and methods inherited?

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Interview Response: Yes, both static properties and methods get inherited by default.

Code Example: Static Property and Method Inheritance

class Animal {
static planet = 'Earth';

constructor(name, speed) {
this.speed = speed; = name;

run(speed = 0) {
this.speed += speed;
console.log(`${} runs with speed ${this.speed}.`);

static compare(animalA, animalB) {
return animalA.speed - animalB.speed;

// Inherit from Animal
class Rabbit extends Animal {
hide() {
console.log(`${} hides!`);

let rabbits = [new Rabbit('White Rabbit', 10), new Rabbit('Black Rabbit', 5)];


rabbits[0].run(); // Black Rabbit runs with speed 5.

console.log(Rabbit.planet); // Earth